Monday 1 October 2012

Age of heroes

'Age of heroes' is a film based on a true story, in world war 2, and this information is given to the audience at the start of the trailer. Showing this information is effective at interesting the older male audience as it's historic and based on true events, this makes it more interesting to the older audience as it makes the film seem more relevant and real almost. The film also appeals to the younger male population aswell as it is a war film, the younger audience from about 16-25, are attracted to the shooting and explosions shown in the clip as it is showing the things thye love about other action films.The pace of the trailer is slow at first but it becomes quciker and quicker, this hypes the audiecne up and they are left at the end of the trailer wanting more. The pacing of the clip is effective at attracting the whole of the action audience, but having well known actors that appeal to the different audiences targets the older and younger audiences individually, Sean Bean has been in numerous well known films and in particular films that th eolder audience will have watched, similarly Danny Dyer is well known with the younger audience and having them both in the same film is effective at attracting both age groups' attention. The use of costume in this film is effective as it c,learly shows the time period it i set in.

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