Wednesday 24 October 2012

Film idea 3

The third idea for our film is an Action, the reasoning for this is that we both enjoy action/adventure films and would enjoy filming, directing and editing an action trailer, also we felt that the conventions you would expect from an action trailer would be fairly easy to conform to and represent them clearly and effectively.

The plot to this film idea is along the lines of a man with a military background who's brother gets murdered, the film would be following his mission to exact revenge on the men that did it.

  • Easy to conform to cliche and conventions
  • We are both interested in the action genre
  • We have access to props and costumes
  • We are both aware of the cliches and conventions

  • Very small budget may make it difficult to produce a quality trialer
  • Some of the ideas we have would require private land which we may not have access to
  • probably the hardest to film out of our 3 ideas

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