Sunday 23 September 2012

The ring trailer - analysis of conventions and cliches

The ring (2002) is remake of the hit asian horror by Hideo Nakata (1998), one of the differences is the adaption from Asian horror into a mainstream horror. Things like linen closets are very popular in Asian horrors but just arent seen as scary to the mainstream audience, but the adaptions in the mainstream version made it a whole lot scarier to the mainstream audience, which is why the remake grossed over $249m worldwide (box office mojo) and Hideo Nakata's grossed just over $13m (wikipedia). The trailer starts off with us hearing a creepy voice telling us the plot behind the video tape, the context of the monologue in itself gets the audience interested as they now know a summary of what the movie is about and that strange deaths occur, from this th eaudience is re-assured that this film will include themes that are hits in mainstream horror. At first we cant see who is talking just quick glimpses of different things one of which appears to be a photo that is brushing its hair. very trippy. When we do see who is talking we see a gothic looking girl with straight black hair telling the story, with a smile on her face, to another girl who has fair hair and looks shocked. The two girls fit the horror cliches perfectly, the girl telling the story is our creepy teen synonomous with hit horror films like 'The Omen' and 'The Exorcist', adding this into the trailer is very effective as it shows the audience that they will get the things that scare them in the film. The innocent looking fair haired girl who looks shocked as shes being told the story fits the bill as the victim. The girl is obviously  victim and that is the thing the audience want to see the most, who wants to watch a horror with no victims? Throughout the trailer eary music is playing in the background but as the trailer goes on the musci intesifies and gets faster paced, accompanying  the faster music is clips of more and more supernatual going on until a climax at the end of the trailer where the music finishes with a scream. The only thing to follow this is the Poster image you cans ee at the top, after the climax is the best time to add the image as the audience is concentrating on the trailer more than at any other time.

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