Tuesday 4 December 2012

texas chainsaw 3d trailer - analysis

The trailer starts off introducing the cast, they are a group of late teen or early 20's people, and are all situated in a horror favourite, in a vehicle that looks like it could give up at any moment. The young Adults also conform to other conventions as they are portrayed as stupid and idiotic, when asked if she knows anything about the place they are going the girl says "just the address" This is perfect for horror fans as they want to see a female get killed, especially one that is prepared to go on a trip without any idea on where they are visiting. Now that the setting and the cast has been introduced they start showing the action and horror that entails throughout the film. The girl that doesn't know anything about where shes going is soon shown to be at the mercy of the chainsaw massacre. Tied to a tree and duct tape over her mouth she is unable to scream, shout or break free, the chainsaw massacre is toying with her and connoting he is going to cut off her arm. This is exactly what the audience wants to to see, a horrified teenager being terrorised by a nutcase who is likely to caus e huge amount of blood, gore and terror.

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