Saturday, 5 January 2013

sound effects

We are not sure whether to use non-copyright music for sound effects or to make the sounds ourselves, there is benefits to both but some dangers as well. There is websites with 100's of non-copyright music pieces so we will have a huge selection to choose from but, with our film being filmed in a point-of-view fashion, in one house, sound effects may sound out-of-place as they will not fit the acoustics of a house. We also want to stay away from cheesy sound effects that have been synthesised on a computer such as a creaking door. Our alternative is to make the sounds ourselves for instance if we want a creaky door sound we will make a door creak, this will fit in with our film more as the sound will be recorded by the camera not on a computer. Using sounds as were filming will help he acting and editing come together because we do not have to guess when sounds are going to be made, the actor can react to the sounds himself. The only problem with this is that some sounds can't done ourselves unless me break/damage something, which is not very likely considering our budget. The most likely tactic will be to use a mixture of both methods to optimise ease of the task and the quality of the product.

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