Monday 18 June 2012

Dark knight rises trailer

The trailer starts off with some eary music and a female narrating, this makes us ask the questions who is she? why is she narrating? and why is it eary? Getting the audience asking questions is effecive at getting them interested in aspects of the film and eager to watch it. The content of the narration informs us of a 'storm', storms are synonimous with danger and destruction which gets us excited as to what this 'storm' is. Almost immediately after the storm is spoken of  we see a sack being taken off of someones head, which reveals a man with a large mask/aparatus across his mouth, it almost looks like a muzzle, the fact that he has soldiers around him and he had a sack on his head has the connotation that he is dangerous and possibly the villain. Seeing the villain excites the audience as they can now see who Batman will have to face but it also excites Batman fans as they know about this villain and what he is capable of so they are even more excited. After the sack is taken of his head destruction follows the rest of the trailer, but when we see Bruce Wayne at the mercy of the villain who tells him "your punishment must be more severe" we get the idea that this villain is above the rest as far as an immediate danger to batman. This is effective in a trailer as anyone who has seen anything batman related now wants to see what happens to him.

The trailer shows lots of action sequences and leaves us with lots of unaswered questions. Showing tasters of the action to come in the trailer is effective in an action films trailer as that is ultimatley what the audience want to see, and shows them the quality of that action. The narration and dialogue of the clip leaves us as the audience with lots of questions which will influence us to watch the film in the hope of finding aswers, similar to the techniques used in the opening couple of minutes to a film, however it is more important to leave the audience interested after a trailer than it is the opening scenes as they are unlikely to walk out of the movie but would easily just not bother seeing it.

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